Tuesday, September 29, 2009


weight 230.5
difference since yesterday= 0.0

So, i have been this weight for two days... worries me just a little, honestly. I had a really difficult weekend, but behaved myself. I had cravings like crazy on Sunday, and worked really hard to keep it together. I did make myself some soup, but i thought it would be alright, as it was veggie broth, chicken and celery.. I think it may have been the broth that messed with me, as it was veggie pre packaged broth. I am feeling a bit hungry today as well. but, I really have had more of an emotional issue these last few days then necessarily physical.

Here is keeping fingers crossed for a big loss tomorrow...

** this may be stretching it, but i really really hoped to be at 199 by the end of this phase...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Just keep swimming

Weight 232.0
Difference -1.5

So another 1.5 lbs gone! i am starting to feel really good about this. I am nervous about tonight, as we have a concert, and everyone is going to be drinking.. i may break down and have one little shot of Vodka... i think that should be fine.
I am feeling a little different today.. no grumbly tummy, but, i am 'mentally' hungry, if that makes sense, although the strength the weight loss has given me is far beyond any of that. I just can't believe how good i am feeling. its amazing how well my body is reacting to 500 calories! i mean.. i think for the last 6 months, i have been eating upwards of 2500 calories or more. This has given my such a perspective of how i have lived my life centered around food. I am able to find strength in my ability to listen to my body. I am so so grateful for this chance to find this piece of me.. YAY for HCG!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 3

Weight 233.5
Difference: -1.5

So, today is another good day. Feeling good about the diet for sure. I am quite content with the way I have been feeling.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

well, well, look at that!

Weight 235
Difference: -5

Today IS a good day! I am feeling pretty good, and the fact that 5lbs were gone made it all the more glorious. I think the most amazing part of all of this.. is I am not hungry physically at all. I worried a bit, that missing breakfast might make it difficult, but i seem to be managing. I can hear my stomach rumbling, but its not painful.. and, i am feeling really good. I debated al morning, whether or not to have something for breakfast, but i think that might just be my head "thinking" i need something. I am anticipating some mind games with myself, especially since i haven't been through a weekend yet, but i am so ready to fight those demons, get them out of the way and move on this time
My husband seems to be as on board with this as much as i can expect him to be (seeing as I have tried every diet in existence) and even though he seems a bit apprehensive... (who wouldn't after 14 years of failed attempts), he is honoring this decision, and thats all i can ever ask.

I do have to say though, I am amazed at my fat girl skills. The fat girl that has taken over the real me for so long, doesn't want to leave easily. I mean the weight starts to come off, and she starts trying to convince me at how much better she is than my thin self will ever be. I almost feel as though being thin will change who I am. Which it will, but not in the ways I mean. I mostly mean, that no one will know me.. that maybe they won't like me for my personality, which is what i have had to depend on for so long, that i won't have "sisters" in the same boat as me.. its almost as if, deep down, I won't know how to live with just being "normal, average" stupid right? But, oh so real in my head. I have read through so many blogs over the last few weeks, psyching myself up for this path. I have spent the majority of my childrens lives fat. I have made excuses, tried to blame it on this that and the other.. but what these short 2 days have taught me, is that when it comes down to it.. I am that which i have been searching for on the outside for so long. I am the one that can support, love and honor myself. That I am just plain enough. Wow... what a concept.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


weight: 240.0
So, today is my first day on the VLCD, and i find myself stressing more about how i am feeling than i need to be. For one, I am not feeling hungry. I am a bit light headed, and tired, but i did expect that.
I have an amazing skill of talking myself out of things, always to my own detriment. I am so excited this time.. i have hope, and have confidence in this protocol. I am a bit angry at myself though, because in January, I debated this diet, and was 20 lbs lighter than i am now... I suppose we all live and learn though.

I have very high expectations of myself. my goal is to be under 200 when i am finished.. thats 40 lbs.. which means, i really have to work hard. but, i can taste "onederland" more than ever.. and KNOW that I will get there!!!

can't wait to see what the scale says in the morning...